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Software description

The software is subdivided into three main sections:

  • Script

  • DB-User + RIS-Schema

  • Command line mode

The software has been specially designed to ensure that it can also be used on servers with VGA resolution (640X480).

INI file

Example of the PDSTOOL.INI file:























uservartext1=Seed Projekt

uservartext2=Neues Projekt

A number of settings must be made before the software can be used since the software needs to know the location of the database (Oracle) and other important files (Schemafile, Scriptfile, etc.)

All the variables that are important for operation can be entered in a user-friendly form. As far as the standard application is concerned, it is not necessary to edit the INI file in a word processor. A brief explanation of the variables is also provided in the form of tooltips (hold the mouse pointer briefly over the text box. A yellow help box is displayed).

The file is structured as a typical Windows INI file (e.g. Win.ini). It must always be located in the same folder as PDSTOOL.EXE and must be named PDSTOOL.INI.

The file consists of two sections:

    This contains the settings required for PDSTOOL.

  • [Programm]
    This contains the internal settings.

Additional user-defined variables are also permitted in the PDSTOOL section. These can then also be used in the script.

Variables in the PDSTOOL section


Specifies the server on which the PDS project files are located.


Specifies the server on which the Oracle database is located.


Specifies the PDS body folder containing the database.


This variable points to the RIS schema folder.


Specifies the Oracle database name (SID).


Windows user authorized to access Oracle (authorized to perform local logon at the database server) with password, period-spearated.


Database body folder.


TCP/IP address of the database server.


User tablespace of the Oracle database.


Temporary tablespace of tne Oracle database


Oracle server manager with path.


Oracle administrator with password, separated by “/”. The administrator must be authorized to create and delete users.


Current script file. This is selected via the main screen.


Current project name. This is selected via the main screen.

All the commands can be used for this project name (delete/load user or schema). Click on the "Select Project" button to select an existing project or enter a new one.


Folder in which the RIS-DUMP files are temporaily stored. This folder is used whenever RIS-DUMP files are loaded or unloaded.

Uservar1, uservar2, etc.

Contents of selected user variables. The corresponding values are entered via the main screen. You assign labels to the variables in the [Programm] section of the INI file.

Variables in the Programm section


You enter the licence number here. The licence number is supplied by ITC-Schlegel. The licence applies to the entire domain, i.e. you can use the program throughout the entire network.


This variable specifies the word processor that is used to open files for editing.


Descriptive text for the user variable. This text has no influence on program execution. It is simply used to describe the user variable in the main screen.


This is a very powerful but easy-to-use script language. With just a small number of commands it is possible to perform the majority of tasks that are necessary in PDS.

Possible uses:

  • Create PDS project with just a few mouse clicks.

  • Copy projects.

  • Back up, zip or e-mail projects or project components.

  • Rename libraries in all projects.
    For example: your libraries have always started with your company name (e.g. company_labels.l). Your company name has changed and you now want to rename your libraries in all projects.

  • Etc.

Example script

This script can be used to copy any PDS script.

! Creates a Risunload of all schemas in the seed project

risunload ('pd_§seedproj§', 'c:\temp\pd_§seedproj§.dmp')

risunload ('dd_§seedproj§', 'c:\temp\dd_§seedproj§.dmp')

risunload ('ra_§seedproj§', 'c:\temp\ra_§seedproj§.dmp')

!risunload ('pid_§seedproj§', 'c:\temp\pid_§seedproj§.dmp')


! Changes the first line in the DMP file to'default schema ??_projname'

edrisdmp ('c:\temp\pd_§seedproj§.dmp')

edrisdmp ('c:\temp\dd_§seedproj§.dmp')

edrisdmp ('c:\temp\ra_§seedproj§.dmp')

!edrisdmp ('c:\temp\pid_§seedproj§.dmp')


! Creates the database users for the new project

cre_dbuser ('pd_§projname§')

cre_dbuser ('dd_§projname§')

cre_dbuser ('ra_§projname§')

cre_dbuser ('pid_§projname§')


! Creates the schema for the new project

cre_schema ('pd_§projname§')

cre_schema ('dd_§projname§')

cre_schema ('ra_§projname§')

cre_schema ('pid_§projname§')


! Renames the RISDMP files to projname.dmp

doscmd ('move c:\temp\pd_§seedproj§.dmp c:\temp\pd_§projname§.dmp')

doscmd ('move c:\temp\dd_§seedproj§.dmp c:\temp\dd_§projname§.dmp')

doscmd ('move c:\temp\ra_§seedproj§.dmp c:\temp\ra_§projname§.dmp')

doscmd ('move c:\temp\pid_§seedproj§.dmp c:\temp\pid_§projname§.dmp')


! The complete texts (project name) are searched and replaced in the

! Risdmpfiles

change ('c:\temp\pd_§projname§.dmp', '§seedproj§' , '§projname§' )

change ('c:\temp\dd_§projname§.dmp', '§seedproj§' , '§projname§' )

change ('c:\temp\ra_§projname§.dmp', '§seedproj§' , '§projname§' )

change ('c:\temp\pid_§projname§.dmp', '§seedproj§' , '§projname§' )


! The schemas are loaded from the new project

risload ('c:\temp\pd_§projname§.dmp')

risload ('c:\temp\dd_§projname§.dmp')

risload ('c:\temp\ra_§projname§.dmp')

risload ('c:\temp\pid_§projname§.dmp')


! Copies the entire seed folder to the project folder

doscmd ('xcopy §projdir§§seedproj§ §projdir§§projname§ /REISCH')


! Replaces the project name in the Isogen Defaults File

change ('§projdir§\p3\isodat\§Projname§.def', '§seedproj§' , '§projname§' )

Script structure

The program processes the script line-by-line.

Comment lines begin with "!". Such lines are not processed.

The individual passed parameters are enclosed in single quotes (').


Variables in the script file are enclosed by the "§" character.

All the variables entered in the [PDSTOOL] section of the INI file can be processed, including user-defined variables.



Create a database user. For example:

cre_dbuser ('pd_§projname§')


Create an RIS schema. For example:

cre_schema ('pd_§projname§')


Delete an RIS schema.

del_schema ('pd_§projname§')


Delete a database user.

del_dbuser ('pd_§projname§')


In a text file, (1st value), replaces a string (2nd value) by another string (3rd value)

change ('c:\temp\xx.txt', 'textold' , 'textnew' )


Unloads an RIS schema (1st value) to an RIS-DMP file (2nd value)

risunload ('pd_§Projname§', 'c:\temp\pd_§projname§.dmp')


Changes the first line in the DMP file to 'default schema ??_projname'

edrisdmp ('c:\temp\pd_§projname§.dmp')


Loads an RIS-DMP file(2.Wert) into an RIS schema.

risload ('c:\temp\pd_§projname§.dmp')


Runs a DOS command.

doscmd ('dir §projdir§ > c:\temp\§DBSERVER§.txt')


Appends a text to a text file if the entry does not yet exist in the file in question.

append_text ('c:\temp\§projname§.txt', '§projname§')

DB-User + RIS-Schema

In this tab, it is possible to control all the functions relating to database users and RIS schemas from within a single user interface.

The screen is subdivided into three areas

  • Select Database-User or RIS-Schema.

    Here you select the RIS schemas or database users for which commands can subsequently be entered.

  • Target-Dir or Source for RIS-DMP Files.

    When you click the text box, a folder selection list is opened. Choose the folder in which your RIS-DUMP files are located or to which they should be written in the event of a RISunload.

  • Command button

    Click these buttons to run the corresponding commands. The command functionality should be self-evident.
    The "Show existing DB-User" and "Show free Tablespace" only work if the program is running directly on the database server.

Command line mode

In order to save the PDS database contents, it is advisable to unload all schemas to text files using risunload.

If you want to enter this command in a batch process, call PDSTOOL with a command line parameter.

Pdstool.exe /risunloadall